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Malibu Collision provides complete auto body services. We are proud to be an ICBC c.a.r. accredited shop as well as a member of the ICBC c.a.r. shop Valet program. We can handle all your ICBC Estimates as well as Express Assignments. As a c.a.r. shop Valet we are recognized by ICBC as having the highest standards in quality. Please contact us for any questions regarding your insurance claim.


Malibu Collision guarantees all body and paint repairs to be of quality equal to generally acceptable industry standards and against defects to workmanship or materials unless caused by or resulting from unreasonable use, maintenance, or care of vehicle for the life of the vehicle on which the repairs have been completed, while in the possession of the registered owner.

About Malibu Collision

Ryan Salloum and Victor Jow are two car enthusiasts with the love and passion of the automobile from the muscle cars of the past to the fine lines and curves of today's models. We have both worked in the autobody collision repair industry as paint technicians and as insurance material damage estimators. With a combined experience of over 50 years, we can offer the quality service you expect when it comes to having your vehicle properly repaired. Please feel free to contact us for any questions you may have or assistance you may require regarding your insurance claim.

Our Policy

Our Policy is to provide quality work by trained and certified technicians in a clean and efficient shop. Our goal is to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations by conducting ourselves with the highest standards of ethics and service. Malibu Collision is delivering excellence in its industry.

Gone Green

We’ve Gone Green!! We are proud to announce that we are doing our part to help the environment. We have converted our paint system from solvent based to waterborne!